I have two dogs, a 5 year old golden retriever and a 3 year dachshund, and they have totally different personalities, while my golden retriever is a very mellow dog, sleeps and cuddles and eats the most she bothers anyone is when she wants to go outside or on walks (shes a puller): My Dachshund is totally different she always wants to be touching someone, under blankets, yaps a lot when we have guest over or just in general goes crazy shaking/whining with excitement when people get to our home (even including us). We refer to her as our baby seeing as she always "needs" to be held and taking her in a car is a whole different mess! She is all over the car whining and just will not stay still, it takes her an hour to get settled while riding so it's almost impossible to take her anywhere with us! So when I found out about the Thundershirt I was thrilled to be able to try this product out!
Here is a little about Thundershirt:
How can we help Dosi with her thunderstorm fears? This is the question that
started the company on its quest to find simple, easy solutions to calm pet fears. In the case
of Dosi, we developed the ThunderShirt, and since 2009 the gentle calming hug of the ThunderShirt has helped over a million dogs and cats around the world overcome their fears and anxieties.
As the name ThunderShirt implies, thunder and noises was the
first fear we tackled, but along the way, we found that simple pressure helped with
a multitude of pet anxieties including separation, travel, vet visits and much more. Our
proprietary research also uncovered that over 30% of pets suffer from one or more of these
anxieties making anxiety one of the leading issues for today’s pet parents.
For this reason, in addition to the ThunderShirt, we have created other products to help pet
parents alleviate some of the anxiety issues their pets may experience, and we have done
so under the company name of ThunderWorks. At ThunderWorks, we are committed to finding
simple and safe solutions to pet parents’ every day issues because when our pets feel stressed,
we feel stressed. And when we feel stressed well, we aren’t always at our best. It is our hope that our
simple solutions can help maintain the bond between pet and parent. In essence, helping us all be a better human to our pets."
We Were sent the Thundersweater for review which I was way excited about, we live in a cold winter climate and my dachshund never wants to go out in the cold so I was hoping that the Thundersweater would not only help with her anxiety but also the cold weather! Also good thing about the Thundersweater a Thundershirt is included with the sweater!
When I first received the Thundersweater in the mail I immediately opened the box, read the instructions, and tried it on her! 
the instructions are so simple!
I was not expecting her to like it at first, seeing as she doesn't regularly wear clothing, but as soon as I got it adjusted right she was perfectly fine in her new sweater, the only issue, if you would even call it an issue, was at first she wasn't a 100% sure about jumping she hesitated but that only lasted a little while before I knew it she was perfect! And as far as our results of her calming down with the Thundersweater they were amazing!!!! Within the first hour our Thundershirt worked wonders for our little dachshund! She was calmer than I have ever seen, and when we had people over, on 2 separate occasions that day they both immediately asked me if she was ok or jokingly if I had drugged her because she was so calm and was not jumping all over them or whining! So honestly any skeptical thoughts I had are gone!
The next day I also tried it on her for a short car ride, like i mentioned before she takes almost an hour to calm down in the car, but with the Thundersweater on she laid right down in the passenger seat and the most movement out of her was occasionally looking out the window! The next day I left the Thundersweater off of her and she was back to her normal anxious self so we immediately put her sweater right back on and she was much happier and so was I!
It also helped keep her warm, she enjoyed walks more, and was way better behaved, and wasn't miserable when I let her outside! So Overall the Thundersweater exceeded all my expectations doing more than I ever imagined and our pup and home is a much happier place!
If you would like to find out more about Thunderworks products and The Thundershirt or Thundersweater (they also have some other great products) Check out their website
You can also connect with them on
Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from this company/website, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed in this review are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.
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