As Moms we all want to be the "hot mom" even if we don't want to admit it, we all know that looking "pinterest put together" as I call it, is all on our wishlist!

I am in NO way a beauty-aholic, I'm in fact what I like to call a "Very Low Maintenance, fake like I put a lot of time into my appearance mom" and I never once considered myself to be envied if you want to even call it that for "always looking like I spent forever getting ready" as my friend called it, as soon as I heard that sentence come out of her mouth I swear I laughed so hard that I semi choked on my coffee. I probably spend a total of 30 minutes getting ready in the mornings and that 30 minutes includes deciding what to wear, getting dressed, hair, makeup, brushing my teeth, all while at least 1 out of 3 of my children have something that they need me to do, I am not a regular salon goer, I haven't had my nails done in YEARS I honestly probably get my haircut once to twice a year and I buy "cheapish" makeup, so now maybe you can understand why her statement caught me off guard and I laughed so much, so it got me thinking on why I should share my go-to EASY quick beauty, if you must call it that, secrets!
Shortcuts for Moms:
Use Conditioner: I shower at night and Wash it and CONDITION the Hell out of it! I usually shampoo as soon as I get in rinse then coat in conditioner and let it sit until I'm done in the shower rinsing it out last
Towel dry: (DO NOT RUB YOUR HAIR WITH YOUR TOWEL it will cause FRIZZ) I squeeze my hair with the towel then put in a leave in conditioner or shine type product
Then off to bed YES I SLEEP WITH WET HAIR!!! I know it's not the norm but I do not in anyway want to spend forever blowdrying my hair not to mention the 80's hair I would have if I did so
Don't wash your hair everyday: I wash mine other to every 3 days, it would dry out too much, and in between washes if my curls are looking ify I go to my never fail
heatless curls or
Aluminium Foil Curls (the tin foil curls are fantastic to do at night and sleep on they still hold up and look great the next day because I would much rather do it at night when kids are sleeping and sleep a little later in the mornings)
Makeup: I am a Full on believer in you can transform your feelings about the day with a little makeup!

The Days I wear Makeup I feel Like I can conquer the world
The Days I don't I feel Blah and just can't get motivated to do anything
So My Philosophy at least wear blush and mascara! It will brighten up your whole face!
My usual makeup routine takes me 10 minutes tops and I wear concealer to hid my puffy bags under
my eyes
Bronzer to semi contour
Blush to give me some color
A little eye shadow (Blend and use at least 2 different colors light and darker)

Eyeliner usually not heavy but some
and Mascara
Always Get Dressed all the way down to your shoes: I feel so much better being fully dressed and I am more likely to get stuff done being fully dressed (yes even shoes) than I am if I don't get dressed for the day

Have some GO-TO Outfits: I love to browse pinterest for new ideas but I always have some go to outfits for days I just have no inspiration for something new
Skinny Jeans + Boots + Cute Top
Skirt + Cute Top
Jeans + "Fancier Hoodie"+ Sneakers (cute ones)
Maxi Dress
And remember accessorize to make any outfit fun and put together!
Establish a Face Care Routine: I wash my face everynight with cleanser and moisturizer when I Shower I throw a face scrub on and rinse it off in the shower
Take Off Eye Makeup with Coconut Oil: I just rub coconut oil over my eyes then wipe away the makeip, it gently removes my eye makeup while moisturizing
Being a "hot mom" is something we all can do with barely any time or effort. By following these
steps you're on your way to becoming a totally hot mama.
Tell me your steps to being a hot mama!
-Sarah (The Hot Mama)