Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Holiday Guft Guide: Eluna Jewelry +Giveaway!

So I am a jewelry hoarder, right? Right.  I have drawers and drawers filled with jewelry, but mostly earrings (more so, now that I have my 2nd holes pierced).  I was ecstatic when I got these awesome new earrings in the mail! 
I really like these hoops a lot.  First of all, they're copper (copper=fab).  Second, I don't have to worry about those pesky latches coming undone. (They have no latches!!) They're called reverse hoops, and April designed them herself!  All you have to do is put them in through the back of the hole, and pull it forward until you reach the knot.  It's a pretty genius, if you ask me. 


 Aren't they adorable? :)
I also got another pair of these reverse hoops in niobium.  If you're not familiar with niobium, it's wonderful for people like me with sensitive ears.  I can't just go out and buy every cute pair of earrings I see from Walmart or Claire's.  It's a curse, really.  It's pretty difficult to find colored hoops that won't hurt my ears, but I guess I can stop looking! 
I chose the tiny niobium hoops in brown, and I am so happy!  They're tiny and totally comfortable-you forget that they are even in!  They aren't heavy and uncomfortable like most earrings. I know, for me, it's difficult dealing with the weight of most of my earrings. Not with these babies!  
Also my partner in crime received some, as well, and she loves them! I think she agrees with me that these make awesome gifts for any of the girls in your life! They're adorable, simple, and super comfortable! 
 The lovely ladies of Eluna Jewlery have decided that all of you awesome people get a chance to win a free pair of copper reverse hoops!  All you have to do is enter below!! 
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate contact April directly
Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: KandiKRAZE Etsy shop review and giveaway!


on Etsy!



I have discovered a new Etsy shop that I am IN LOVE with!
If any of you are familiar with Kandi accessories, you know how absolutely awesome they are!  If you're not familiar with Kandi then allow me to absolutely dazzle you.  These fabulous pieces of work you see above are 100% handmade (meaning they NOT are made in China and available to everyone-hooray for originality!!) and designed especially to put a smile on your adorable little face!
I personally have several of KandiKRAZE's products:
Giraffes are my absolute FAVES! And when I ordered my kandi and told them I wanted a giraffe-it was no problem! She can literally do anything!! I ordered two more, as well!

I ADORE my Hello Kitty one! (Plus it's my favorite color!!) BTW they can make your kandi in any color!
Now I know they sound completely awesome and all, but wait there's more! Bracelets aren't all they do! They make super cool bowties, as well!

Aren't these just THE cutest things ever??
Now, you may be wondering, "Where would I wear this?" or "Who would I give this to?" Well no worries! You (or your little ones) can wear these any time! My bestfriend wears hers to school, and gets tons of compliments on them! These are great to give as gifts or for parties (for all those mommies out there-these would make pretty cool items in goodie bags!).  For those ravers out there-this shop is perfect for you! (They can come in glow in the dark!)
Have I convinced you yet?  If not, you may get a chance to see for yourself! The owner of this awesome shop is doing a giveaway for all of you!!
I can personally 100% vouch for the amazingness of this shop! Check it out! You won't regret it!




Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.
Comment what you think below!

Wigsbuy Review!
For all of you out there that are fellow Halloween costume lovers...I recommend you check out this site.  They have wigs for anyone and everyone.  Any style you could imagine-they have!  I personally have a collection of wigs from previous Halloween costumes (Old cat lady, David Bowie, Flapper, Katy Perry, etc., and I am eager to continue the collection with Wigsbuy!

Why should you check out Wigsbuy?

Wigsbuy has the greatest selection of high quality and synthetic wigs you'll ever find! Their awesome selection includes:
  • Clip in hair extensions
  • Straight/Curly African American Wigs
  • Straight/Curly Human hair wigs
  • Other Human hair wigs
  • Men's wigs
  • Lace front wigs
  • Monofilament top wigs
  • Synthetic hair wigs
  • Celebrity wigs (Beyoncé, Ciara, Rhianna, Kim Kardashian, etc.)
  • Assorted costume wigs
  • Wig Tools
And those are only A FEW examples of their giant inventory!  Whatever the occasion-Wigsbuy is the place to go!

Reasons wigs are a good idea for you!

  1. If you're running from the law-you can just throw one on for a brand new identity!
  2. If you have a crazy, stalker EX, and you need another identity-there you go!
  3. You can cosplay like a BOSS.
  4. If you have a new hairstyle you want, but you're a chicken-try it out with a wig!
  5. If you're a shedder then wigs are just for you! NO SHEDDING!
  6. Hair dye can ruin your hair over time-hince the reason you should go for wigs!
  7. No more spending hours on the perfect curls or straight hairdo. Just pop on a wig, and you're good to go!
There are so many great features about Wigsbuy.  They have amazing customer service-I'd score them 4 out of 5 stars.  They have articles on DIY wigs, the latest trends, how to care for your wigs, and awesome sales! If you purchase within the next 15 hours, you get 85% off! That's another great thing about wigsbuy-the sales! They have Cyber Monday sales, Black Friday sales, and numerous Holiday sales
Click here to visit their About Wigs page and learn more about Wigsbuy and how you can purchase one their amazing wigs!
 If you are interested in learning more about Wigsbuy, you can click here to view their FAQ and here to contact them.
Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.
Comment below and let me know what you think!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Naked Truth

When you think of fitness and healthy living, what do you think of?
Fruits and veggies, right?  Well, at least that's what I think of. Pair this mindset with the current fitness craze, "juicing", and it'll have you adding these yummy juices onto your shopping list in no time. (I decided to try these babies out for myself, and if you can get past the gritty feeling they leave in your mouth-then they taste AMAZING!)
With all of the great flavors they offer like double berry, mango, pomegranate acai-they have the lockdown on this juice craze!  With their use of fitness/health words like, "green",
"acai", "power", and "fresh"-they capture the perfect audience.  They're even starting a line in coconut water.  But their words don't equal health.  When you get to the bare naked truth-literally-the facts just don't live up to the promises.
Is Naked really like drinking Mountain Dew?

Naked Juice and Mountain Dew have more in common than you might think.  Besides both being "green", they both have about 60 grams of sugar (coming from fructose-Mountain Dew's from high fructose corn syrup, and Naked's coming from fruit juice).  When you consume the amount of fructose in either of these drinks, you're consuming more than you should over the course of a couple days.  Although I think that these drink are so yummy tasting-I do not recommend drinking these very often.  They are not as healthy as they lead you to believe, but they do stick true to when they say that there are no added sugars (all of it comes from the fruits that they use).

Naked Juice is effectively sugar water with overstated health benefits.

But it has vitamins! you exclaim.
Not so fast...
Naked juice isn’t just fruits and vegetables juiced and bottled and shipped to your lips. That would be too easy.
Naked, like 99% of all other juice brands, must put its products through types of pasteurization and irradiation. Both of these processes have mild to significant effects on nutritional value.
By the time Naked juice gets to your lips, it’s a processed food product nothing like the real thing. The Naked marketers  may claim that you’re getting a bunch of vitamins and minerals, but how many of those are bioavailable and what’s their end quality?
Who knows?
What we do know is that when you drink it, your body can’t tell the difference between Naked juice and sugar water — or Mountain Dew. The only benefit Naked has over Mountain Dew is possibly fewer chemicals (but not necessarily --that's another story)...

Naked has one more thing in common with Mountain Dew.

Besides both being green and both being sugar water, Naked and Mountain Dew are both products of PepsiCo. That’s right, Naked is made by Pepsi. Does that scream quality and health? Hardly.
Whether you’re concerned with health or not, the macronutrient ratios alone of Naked juice is a recipe for weight loss disaster. Consuming that much sugar on a regular basis is not a good idea for your metabolism, your waistline, or your health.
Why bother with this stuff when you can get all of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes — and of higher quality — from other sources without taxing your hormones and liver?
The bottom line: If you want to look good naked, stay away from Naked Juice and other juice products. Focus on consuming high quality foods and staying away from foods that are toxic to you.
To read more about the fact on Naked Juice you can click here.

Are you a naked drinker? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below!

Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How to Be a Hot Mom, The Low Maintenance Way

As Moms we all want to be the "hot mom" even if we don't want to admit it, we all know that looking "pinterest put together" as I call it, is all on our wishlist!

I am in NO way a beauty-aholic, I'm in fact what I like to call a  "Very Low Maintenance, fake like I put a lot of time into my appearance mom" and I never once considered myself to be envied if you want to even call it that for "always looking like I spent forever getting ready" as my friend called it, as soon as I heard that sentence come out of her mouth I swear I laughed so hard that I semi choked on my coffee. I probably spend a total of 30 minutes getting ready in the mornings and that 30 minutes includes deciding what to wear, getting dressed, hair, makeup, brushing my teeth, all while at least 1 out of 3 of my children have something that they need me to do, I am not a regular salon goer, I haven't had my nails done in YEARS I honestly probably get my haircut once to twice a year and I buy "cheapish" makeup, so now maybe you can understand why her statement caught me off guard and I laughed so much, so it got me thinking on why I should share my go-to EASY quick beauty, if you must call it that, secrets!

Shortcuts for Moms:
Use Conditioner: I shower at night and Wash it and CONDITION the Hell out of it! I usually shampoo as soon as I get in  rinse then coat in conditioner and let it sit until I'm done in the shower rinsing it out last

Towel dry: (DO NOT RUB YOUR HAIR WITH YOUR TOWEL it will cause FRIZZ) I squeeze my hair with the towel then put in a leave in conditioner or shine type product
Then off to bed YES I SLEEP WITH WET HAIR!!! I know it's not the norm but I do not in anyway want to spend forever blowdrying my hair not to mention the 80's hair I would have if I did so

Don't wash your hair everyday: I wash mine other to every 3 days, it would dry out too much, and in between washes if my curls are looking ify I go to my never fail heatless curls  or Aluminium Foil Curls (the tin foil curls are fantastic to do at night and sleep on they still hold up and look great the next day because I would much rather do it at night when kids are sleeping and sleep a little later in the mornings)

Makeup: I am a Full on believer in you can transform your feelings about the day with a little makeup!
The Days I wear Makeup I feel Like I can conquer the world
The Days I don't I feel Blah and just can't get motivated to do anything
So My Philosophy at least wear blush and mascara! It will brighten up your whole face!
My usual makeup routine takes me 10 minutes tops and I wear concealer to hid my puffy bags under
my eyes
Bronzer to semi contour
Blush to give me some color
A little eye shadow (Blend and use at least 2 different colors light and darker)
Eyeliner usually not heavy but some
and Mascara

Always Get Dressed all the way down to your shoes: I feel so much better being fully dressed and I am more likely to get stuff done being fully dressed (yes even shoes) than I am if I don't get dressed for the day

Have some GO-TO Outfits: I love to browse pinterest for new ideas but I always have some go to outfits for days I just have no inspiration for something new

Skinny Jeans + Boots + Cute Top
Skirt + Cute Top
Jeans + "Fancier Hoodie"+ Sneakers (cute ones)
Maxi Dress

And remember accessorize to make any outfit fun and put together!

Establish a Face Care Routine: I wash my face everynight with cleanser and moisturizer when I Shower I throw a face scrub on and rinse it off in the shower

Take Off Eye Makeup with Coconut Oil: I just rub coconut oil over my eyes then wipe away the makeip, it gently removes my eye makeup while moisturizing

Being a "hot mom" is something we all can do with barely any time or effort.  By following these
steps you're on your way to becoming a totally hot mama.
Tell me your steps to being a hot mama!
-Sarah (The Hot Mama)

Happy to introduce a New Blogger!

I am so Very Happy to Introduce a Brand New Contributing writer Here at Mama Love!
Her Name is Lexie and She'll be posting some great things including Reviews and Giveaways for you guys

So be sure to Welcome her and Here is a little more about Lexie:

"Hey everybody! I'm Lexie, the face behind,, and I am so glad to be a part of Mama Love.  I'm a mama to my adorable little Coco bunny-I'll probably be posting about my little nugget frequently. I am a makeup/beauty enthusiast, but that's not all I'll be posting about.  You can email me @ if you have any questions. See y'all soon!"